IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack 6.1.1 Installation, Configuration, Operation Training
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Termín a místo
- 30. 1. - 1. 2.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno42 834 Kč / účastníkMám zájem - 24. 4. - 26. 4.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno42 834 Kč / účastníkMám zájem
Ceny kurzů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH
Celkem 2 termínyPoptat jiný termín
Popis kurzu
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack utilizes disk-based, block-level, incremental-forever technology to protect database, mail, and file servers in the SMB environment. This three-day course enables you to implement, configure, and support the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack product. Learn to install the server and client components of the product, define the repository, and use the FastBack Manager interface to create a client groups, job schedules, and policies to protect the data and operating system volumes on application servers in the laboratory environment. Practice performing full and incremental snapshot backups, restore individual files and folders, and recover entire data volumes. Using Tivoli Storage Manager for Exchange, gain experience restoring e-mail attachments and e-mail messages from a point-in-time snapshot of a Microsoft Exchange server database, use search criteria to locate items of interest, and save selected items to a PST file.
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