IBM Cognos Analytics - Author Active Reports (v11.0)
Základní informace
Místa konání:
Termín a místo
- 10. 2.Líbalova 2348/1
149 00 Praha16 214 Kč / účastníkMám zájem - 5. 5.Líbalova 2348/1
149 00 Praha16 214 Kč / účastníkMám zájem
Ceny kurzů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH
Celkem 2 termínyPoptat jiný termín
Popis kurzu
This course teaches Professional Report Authors about advanced report building techniques using relational data models, and ways of enhancing, customizing, and managing professional reports. The course builds on topics presented in the Fundamentals course. Attendees will participate in interactive demonstrations and exercises that illustrate key concepts while learning how to use advanced features in the product builds on topics learned in the Fundamentals course.
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