DB2 Family Fundamentals
Základní informace
Místa konání:
Termín a místo
- 9. 3. - 10. 3.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno32 428 Kč / účastníkMám zájem - 1. 6. - 2. 6.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno32 428 Kč / účastníkMám zájem
Ceny kurzů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH
Celkem 2 termínyPoptat jiný termín
Popis kurzu
This course provides you with information about the functions of IBM's DB2, a relational database manager which may be installed under a variety of operating systems on many hardware platforms. DB2 runs under the z/OS, VM, Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems, to name a few. The course includes discussion of how the DB2 products provide services. The focus is on the services DB2 provides and how we work with DB2, not on its internal workings.
Více informací na https://www.skoleni-ict.cz/kurz/DB2-Family-Fundamentals-CE031CZ.aspx
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