IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Advanced Admin, Tuning, Troubleshooting
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Místa konání:
Termín a místo
- 16. 1. - 20. 1.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno71 390 Kč / účastníkMám zájem - 17. 4. - 21. 4.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno71 390 Kč / účastníkMám zájem
Ceny kurzů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH
Celkem 2 termínyPoptat jiný termín
Popis kurzu
This course is administrators with a fundamental knowledge of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. It uses Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Extended Edition at a higher skill level than the Implementation and Administration course IBM Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 Implementation and Administration (TS613). Administrators learn how to control and tune the Tivoli Storage Manager environment and what steps to take when troubleshooting. The lab exercises explore the DB2 database management methods and options, using the disaster recovery plan file and SQL scripts. The exercises involve multiple servers to simulate an enterprise environment. You participate in group problem determination exercises, perform backup and restore processes, and optimize data management, such as data deduplication. You also tune the backup-archive client and the Tivoli Storage Manager 7.1 server for optimal performance.
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