WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Administration
Základní informace
Místa konání:
Termín a místo
- 23. 1. - 27. 1.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno81 070 Kč / účastníkMám zájem - 17. 4. - 21. 4.Sochorova 38
616 00 Brno81 070 Kč / účastníkMám zájem
Ceny kurzů jsou uvedeny včetně DPH
Celkem 2 termínyPoptat jiný termín
Popis kurzu
This 5-day instructor-led course teaches you the skills that are needed to install and administer IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5. This release offers users enhanced support for standards, emerging technology, and a choice of development frameworks.In this course, you learn how to install, configure, and maintain IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 base, Network Deployment (ND), and the Liberty profile. You learn how to deploy enterprise Java applications in a single computer or clustered configuration. In addition, you learn how to work with features of WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5, such as IBM Installation Manager, WebSphere Customization Toolbox, security enhancements, Intelligent Management, and centralized installation.
Více informací na https://www.skoleni-ict.cz/kurz/WebSphere-Application-Server-V8-5-5-Administration-WA855CZ.aspx
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